
有听诊器的家庭State of Illinois Department of Central Management 服务 (CMS) administers the 国家雇员团体保险计划. 承保范围自租用之日起算.  新员工 must attend the orientation session provided by the Office of 人力资源/ Benefit’s 单位. Employee(s) may choose to Opt-Out of the State offered health and dental coverage.
  • Full-time benefit eligible employees are able to participant in the provided health, 牙科、视力和人寿保险计划.
  • Part-time status employees, working 50-99% may purchase the same coverage through 向国家支付相应比例的费用.
  • Eligible dependents of a Member may participate in the same health, dental and vision 计划.






(844) 251-1777(免费)

(844) 251-1778 (TDD / TTY)


福利选择期限:5月1日- 5月31日 (关闭!)





现有员工: All your benefits selections from last year automatically rollover with the exception of:

  • 灵活开支帐户*
  • 健康储蓄帐户*


新 & 现有员工: 要修改或审查您的选择,请访问: mybenefits.伊利诺斯州.政府





组# 20240

  • 员工可以选择只参加牙科保险.
  • 注意: 如果你参加了两种健康保险 & 牙科保险,家属保险 必须的镜子 成员的承保范围.







Managed Care 健康 Plans provide health care through a system of 网络供应商. Participants must select a Primary Care Physician (PCP) from a network of participating 供应商. 所有的日常医疗护理,住院治疗,以及专科转诊 medical care must be coordinated under the direction of your primary care physician. Comprehensive medical benefits are offered at lower Out-of-Pocket cost by utilizing 网络供应商. There are no annual 计划 deductibles for medical services; however there is a $150 annual prescription deductible applicable for each 计划 participant. Only a co-payment applies when the medical services are coordinated through the PCP.






The Quality Care 健康 Plan (QCHP) administered by AETNA is a traditional indemnity 提供全面福利的健康计划. 在这个计划下,参与者 can choose any physician or hospital for medical services and any pharmacy for prescription 药物. 计划参与者 receive enhanced benefits resulting in lower out-of-pocket 参与者使用的费用:

  • PPO医院的住院和门诊服务.
  • CVS Caremark



基本 – Term life insurance coverage is provided automatically at no cost to employees 通过(CMS)中央管理服务. 在职、非退休雇员投保 领取相当于基本年薪的津贴.

可选 -额外的人寿保险覆盖范围高达基本工资的8倍.

意外死亡 & 解体  – Coverage for employees is equal to their basic insurance election, or up to the 它们的基本量之和 & 可选的保险.

配偶 & 孩子 -可在一个统一的费率.



向雇员及其家属免费提供.. 计划参与者 有资格获得以下福利:

服务 网络提供商的优势 网络外提供商利益
眼镜镜片(单焦点、双焦点和三焦点) 30美元费用 单视力镜片补贴30美元
标准框架 30美元费用 (Up to $175 retail frame cost: member responsible for balance over $175) 80美元的津贴
Contact  Lenses (All contact lenses are in lieu of standard frames and spectacle lenses) 120美元的津贴 120美元的津贴
有关其他信息,请与计划管理员联系 眼部视力护理.




As an employee with CSU, you have various options for your 递延补偿 needs. 它们如下:
B计划通过 苏尔. 这个计划是对你的核心退休计划的补充.  这个计划是有管理的 由VOYA. 与其现在纳税,不如退休时按税率纳税.
一个457b计划通过伊利诺斯州中央管理服务. 这是一个 该计划由CMS提供,但通过 授权. 与其现在纳税,不如退休时按税率纳税.
CSU还提供403(b)投资税递延年金. 以下公司 188bet金宝搏官网登录网址的403(b)计划获得批准了吗


Central Management 服务 Group Insurance Division provides free confidential counseling services through the Employees Assistance Program (EAP) administered by Magellan Behavioral 健康. Active State Employees and their Dependents participating in the State Employees 团体保险计划可以获得此福利. 这包括积极的员工 选择退出或放弃健康和牙科保险. 该项目提供专业指导 帮助个人度过困难时期. 请致电(833) 955-3400和访问权限 点击这里进入网站. 

The 计划 administrator is subject to change based on the State negotiations: please 联系人力资源办公室寻求帮助. 

pdf 摩天观景轮

Optum  /   连接你的护理


The Illinois Department of Central Management 服务 (CMS) offers 2 Flexible Spending 账户的程序: 

  • T医疗护理助理计划(MCAP MCAP的最高供款限额为 $3,050 在24财年计划期间. 资金必须在2023年7月1日的计划年度内使用 - 2024年6月30日,所有索赔必须在2024年9月30日之前提交. 翻转 未使用的24财年资金的上限为 $610.
    Participants who do not re‐enroll for the new 计划 year will forfeit any amount eligible 对翻转.
  • 受供养照顾助理计划(DCAP). An HSA is like a 401(k) for healthcare, yet the HSA tax benefits are far greater.  The HSA is a tax‐favored, interest-bearing account that active State employees can 用于支付现在或将来的合格医疗费用.  (任何未使用的DCAP 计划年度结束时的资金将被没收(6月30日).




An HSA is like a 401(k) for healthcare, yet the HSA tax benefits are far greater. It is a tax-favored, interest-bearing account that active State employees can use 支付现在或将来的合格医疗费用. 在职国家雇员 who qualify (see Qualifying for an HSA below), can save or invest the account funds. Paired with the Consumer Driven 健康 Plan (CDHP), an HSA is a powerful financial 工具,让您更好地控制您的医疗保健决策. 




招生 & Beneficiairies


Provides retirement, disability, death, and survivor benefits to eligible 苏尔 participants 和领年金者. 符合条件的雇员在受雇时自动加入社保 开始. You will not pay into Social Security during your employment with a 苏尔-covered employer, so you are not eligible for Social Security coverage based on this employment.

As a new member of 苏尔, you must choose a retirement 计划 within the first 6 months 关于你的工作. 您的选择将取决于您希望获得的福利类型 in the future, as well as the amount of personal involvement you want in determining 你的贡献投资在哪里,如何投资. 会员必须从三个中选择一个 退休选择:传统计划、便携计划或自我管理计划.

注意: If you do not make this decision within six months of your date of hire, you 会保留在传统计划内吗. 此默认注册也是不可撤销的. 






The Department of Central Management 服务/Risk Management Division (CMS) administers 伊利诺伊州雇员的工人补偿计划. 早期干预 Program Administered by CareSys is designed to ensure that State employees injured 在工作中,接受高质量的医疗护理,并确保其完全康复. 芝加哥 State University employees experiencing a work related injury that requires medical 护理应遵循以下步骤:

  • 立即向主管报告受伤情况.
  • Contact the Campus Police Department for assistance and to file a police report (773) 995-2111.
  • Contact the Human Resource Department to received the Workers’ 补偿 packet and instructions on the procedure used in filing a claim: 188bet金宝搏官网登录网址, 人力资源办公室,9501 S. 伊利诺斯州芝加哥市国王大道,电话60628 (773) 995-2040或传真(773)995-2942.
  • The campus Wellness 健康 Center, located in ADM-103, is available to assist the 受伤的员工直到可以接受外部医疗救治.
  • If the injury requires medical care, the employee chooses where to obtain their medical 治疗:
    (1) Through the employee’s own primary care physician (having the bills and medical 提交给CSU人力资源办公室的文件).
    (2) Medical treatment can be obtained at Concentra Medical Center located at 900 E. 103圣. 芝加哥, Illinois 60628 (If CMS finds the claim non-compensable the employee 将负责所产生的账单).

To file a claim, the necessary forms are required and shall be completed or provided by the: 1) employee, 2) employee’s supervisor, 3) witness, 4) medical documentation, and 5) medical bills, and received by the Office of 人力资源, where the claim 会提交CMS审核吗. 如果索赔是可赔偿的,CMS将支付 associated medical bills; however, if the claim is reviewed and determined non-compensable, 员工应该向自己的健康保险公司提交账单.